Imelda now blamed for five deaths in Texas after one of the strongest tropical storms in U.S. history draws comparisons to Harvey. We’ll have a firsthand view of the impact of flooding in Southeast Texas. Also, a deal with El Salvador designed to make would be asylum seekers think twice about coming to the U.S. And the trial of a Dallas Police Officer accused in the shooting death of a man in his own apartment. Plus, a quarrel over quarries. Who can stop them from moving in next door? Those stories and then some today on the Texas Standard:
Dallas Police
Texas Standard: October 4, 2018
As senators get their first look at an FBI report, it’s a Texan at the center of the fight over the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nomination. Plus, Ted Cruz is now on a top 10 endangered senators list, and a Texas congressional district that used to be a GOP easy win, now looking like more of a toss up. Also, it was a tough season for the flu last year. Now, a top Texas researcher says the flu vaccine this year may be marginally less effective. We’ll hear why officials say its important to give it a shot. And a surprise hit at the state fair is a return to its rural roots. Tips for your weekend getaway, and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: August 27, 2015
American gun violence was shoved into our faces with the shooting of two reporters on live TV. What is the doing to our minds? A cognitive psychologist weights in on the emotional effect watching of the Virginia shooting. Also- morale in the Dallas police department…officers are leaving the force and response times are going up. Stuck in traffic, you’re not alone? We’ll get the latest research on time wasted in the car. Plus, the attack of the spider mites, mining coal on public lands, and a new wave of smartwatches.