Cherry On Top

ALLYSE.: “Cherry On Top”

Looking to cool off with something super tasty this summer? Austin locals are in luck with an opportunity to sate more than one sense in the same sitting!

And you can thank ALLYSE. for all that. A nomadic military brat and classically-trained singer, ALLYSE. turned ATX into her HQ seven years back, where she’s since lent her vocal and multi-instrumental talents to a pair of pop outfits plus former KUTX Artists of the Month Daniel Fears and promqueen. More recently though, ALLYSE. has spent the past year and a half cementing her solo status as a songwriter-producer in the high-demand pop-R&B sector, having blasted out Billboard-quality originals every few months beginning last January.

But as we mentioned before, ALLYSE.’s latest lists itself on the menu as a multi-sensory sensation. By that we mean at the single release party 4:30PM this Sunday at Jeni’s Ice Cream’s Triangle location, you can try ALLYSE.’s custom ice cream flavor “Sparkling Cherry Pie” while hearing her perform live. And since great taste isn’t limited to your tongue’s buds, and it’s near impossible to spoil an aural appetite, treat your ear’s sweet tooth to “Cherry On Top” – ALLYSE.’s sixth single that’d make Dua Lipa lick her lips and say, “delicious”. Because it’s got all the disco-funk retro-hip-pop sprinkles to make this summer an extra sugary one – each time it pops up on a new playlist.