Charlotte Canning

V&B – The Hook

It’s a story of the most influential movie never made, The Hook! KUT’s Rebecca McInroy joins Dr. Charlotte Canning and a cast of players to talk about the relationship between Arthur Miller and Elia Kazan, Blacklisting in Hollywood, and what this colorful past can teach us about our current social and political moment in the arts.

V&B: Tenessee Williams

In this Views and Brews Remix on Becoming Tenessee Williams professor Charlotte Canning , joins director Norman Blumensaadt and actress Jennifer Underwood for a discussion of the life and work of Tenessee Williams.

When Thomas Lanier Williams found theater, he didn’t just become Tennessee Williams, he allowed us to imagine our lives differently, anew ,” writes Canning in her essay, Tennessee Williams Becomes Us .

His goal as a writer was to ‘capture the constantly evanescent quality of existence,’ and the work he left behind continues to do this in ways that astonish us no matter who we are—students, professors, artists, audiences, writers, or critics. When he became Tennessee Williams he offered us a chance to transform as well. His becoming became us .”

Don’t miss this unique look at the life and work of a literary genius.