
Tired of the same Christmas carols? This Texas composer has some rearrangements

A Texas judge grants a Dallas-area woman her request for an abortion, despite the state’s strict ban. It is thought to be one of the first attempts to seek a court-approved abortion since the U.S Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe vs. Wade. Olivia Aldridge of KUT in Austin shares more.

Aid for Ukraine and Israel is blocked for now over border security concerns, and Texas’ two U.S. senators were very much a part of that process. A Texas Tech political science professor breaks it down.

As Texas cities try to rein in traffic, San Antonio revives a plan to be more bicycle-friendly.

And: North Texas-based music writer and conductor Taylor Davis is discovering something new in the Christmas carols we’ve heard for decades on end.

San Antonio Spurs’ No. 1 draft pick could be a game-changer

A bill would provide $10 billion in low-interest loans that would benefit the oil and gas industry, in the name of beefing up the power grid; there are a lot of questions over the push for those loans, aimed at preventing statewide blackouts.

Almost one year after the worst school shooting in Texas history, state lawmakers are running out of time in this legislative session to make changes to gun laws.

In San Antonio, the silver and black are back as Spurs fans get lit up over a No. 1 draft pick.

Also, actress Christina Vidal on a new streaming series, “Primo” about coming of age in the Alamo City.

KUT Morning Newscast for May 18, 2023

Central Texas top stories for May 18, 2023. Raises for teachers in Austin and Georgetown. National bike to work day. Austin Police Department overtime.

Riding A Bike

This Typewriter Rodeo poem came by request from Texas Standard listener Pete Ramirez. His request was for a poem dedicated to “the love and joy of riding a bike.”


Dockless scooters: like ’em or hate ’em, they’re everywhere these days, and are likely here to stay because tech companies refuse to stop “disrupting” the way we get around. While they can be fun for a quick whirl around town, they also go faster than some expect when they first hop on, which has led to many an accident. They’ve become such a problem that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even announced the launch of a special study in Austin to evaluate the health risks of these two-wheeled menaces. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.

Texas Standard: September 18, 2018

Official summons is what the envelope says. Would you open it? An election year fundraising letter triggers outrage and questions of legality: we’ll explore. Also our era of political coarseness and division, how will historians see us tomorrow? Pulitzer prize winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin tells us how history may be able to help us get thru our times today. Also a breakthrough curriculum for latino/latina studies. And electric scooters swarm the streets of Texas big cities, some see them a public nuisance, but could they signal better times for Texas bicyclists? We’ll take a look. And the tale of the last town crier in America and so much more on today’s Texas Standard: