There aren’t any ghosts in this godforsaken, murky old Gulf Coast motel you’re at, sunken in a bed that may not have been changed since the early ’80s. You’re just staring at the ceiling. An occasional side glance out the dirty window, or at that weird palm tree painting, but…no ghosts here. Only the ones in that cheap-ass bottle of whiskey you’re guzzling from like it was the antidote to your poison.
It’s supposed to make it go away. Instead, it’s morphed from crushing memories to a waking nightmare…
The haunted imagery, like faded photos or echoes of distant conversations, comes organically to songwriter and Spaceflight Records artist Wil Cope. Last year’s Kool Breez is the most recent chapter of resurrected shadows and wanderings from Dirty Baby Wil, but a bunch of new songs kick off a musical residency tonight, Monday Feb. 7, at Hole In the Wall. The music starts at 10 p.m.