Prepare to be transported into fantasy realm/space lore territory of Frank Frazetta proportions, but leaning more toward Ursula K. Guin and Octavia E. Butler reimagining human existence. This is the exceptional gnaw of BITE, the latest narrative from A Giant Dog opening a portal to the virtual world of Avalonia, but what awaits you? Something operatic in stature on levels not completely unfamiliar to devotees of Dio or Maiden, but with a unique perspective in facing insurmountable obstacles – in the destruction of anachronistic ideas imprisoning the mind and body.
Grab thy (metaphorical) laser-precision scythe and make haste to The Parish for night two of A Giant Dog’s album release party tonight, Saturday Aug. 19, featuring an otherworldly set by Trouble In the Streets, and Los Angeles-based artist Roxanne Starnik. Doors at 7:30 p.m.
- Trouble In the Street
- Roxanne Starnik