Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

June 12, 2021

Need A Heartbeat

By: Laurie Gallardo

They’ve done it again.

Darkbird deals out rockers, as badasses do. This time, the follow-up to scorchers “Bad Self,” “Daredevil” and I Remember Feeling My Fingers Slip comes the synth-blazing rock-pop release “Heartbeat,” not so much switching gears as it is adding another winning element to the mix. And again, songwriter/vocalist Kelly Barnes owns the power in her delivery like the badass boss she is, in the studio and on stage.

Speaking of which, it’s time for a release show. Darkbird plays tonight, Saturday June 12, at the Mohawk, 912 Red River, on the outside stage. It’s a perfect line-up with fellow stage-burners Otis the Destroyer and Blushing. Everything kicks off at 7 p.m.